Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I have to run off to the library, as I sold a couple things on eBay and the printer I have here at home has never been functional (well, at least for b/w) since I've had it. Ordinarily, I go to my mom's house and print there, but she hasn't spoken with me since Sunday, so - not pushing that.

I'm hoping that by the time I come home the mail will have been delivered, and that my Writers Market will be in the mix. Once this pesky printing is done, it's time to start querying with a will.

And maybe, if I have the fortitude and feel distracted enough by the job hunting work to do and the agent-poking work I have to do ... I will hook up my brother's old tape deck and burn off some CDs of dad's memorial service. (Assuming the CDs are in the shipment with the WM.)

Oddly enough, once I get this one errand run, today will be a pretty busy one. Right here at the laptop.

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