Friday, July 1, 2011


Writers often have a hard time coming up with titles, and sometimes they can be incredibly meaningful, or as frustratingly opaque as the silly non-descriptors cosmetic companies come up with for their shades. Some titles gain power beyond their sources, and some mean a lot for reasons obvious and not (and if you are not catching my drift, for pete's sake will you notice my name, please?). My own debut took a long time to entitle, yet once I did it was so screamingly obvious, if I'd had any sense of decency (or shame), I'd have been terribly embarrassed it wasn't clear to me from day one. Novel #2 is still laboring under the working (but not at all well) title, "Matrilineage" - and I will be glad once I've gotten absorbed enough to actually know its real name.

Still probably won't manage to be properly embarrassed, though.

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