Friday, July 29, 2011

Agents or Agencies - Why ... ?

... would you devote dozens and dozens of pages within your website to individual agents, and NOT INCLUDE THE MEREST SHRED OF INFORMATION ABOUT THEM in a good 75% of these pages?  What could possibly be the point of building bio pages - without bios?

I would understand if there were some sign this was a system still under construction, but the sheer majority of pages fully populated with photos and titles, but no content whatsoever in terms of text, information, even a bare list of titles ...  Seriously:  ????

All the rules we have to follow as authors means that the number of man-hours being poured into their directions probably numbers in the thousands just within a week's time.  The weight of numbers of those of us seeking their attention, and *following their rules* seems like it could demand the least bit of effort on their parts too.

Some agencies' sites are enough of a slog to actually make you happy to be able to eliminate them.

All I ask is something beyond a plain-text list of nothing but your authors' names.  It's best for YOU for me to actually be able to learn about whom and what you represent - right?  If I can do that at your very own site, without having to (a) open several dozen nested pages - which contain no information in them - and (b) then have to go do a d*mned search on every one of your authors just to find out who they are and whether I might be a FIT for you, then we are BOTH better off.  Because I will not waste YOUR time as you apparently feel blithely free to waste authors' time.

Holy cr*p.  Some of them actually make it a puzzle.

And, considering that I must work this puzzle literally HUNDREDS of times:  making it hard is just ****ing mean.  You jerkfaces.

I am off the querying tonight.  The list is way down after today's rash of eliminations - and not a single one worth even actually *contacting*.  This is putting me in a foul mood.

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