Friday, December 14, 2012

Buffy Frustrates Me ...

... as do my Christmas lights.  $33.88 with shipping, two BRAND new strings, I plugged them in and got 45 seconds of light.  I spent that much because these are supposed to be the "one bulb goes out, the rest stay lit" - but NONE are currently lit.  Gah.  Stupid freaking Christmas lights.  (The inquiry is in, yes with the eBay seller.)

But while I am cleaning and putting up decorations, I'm watching Buffy.  Once again, I am struck by the artificial and irritating elasticity of her intellect/education.  In one moment, she says to Xander, "Thank you for the Dadaist greeting" because that is a funny reference.  But three minutes later, he says something about going on reconnaissance and she wrinkles her nose and asks "where we paint and make pottery and stuff" and he has to explain, "That was the *Renaissance*" ...

Because Buffy is selectively dumb, for excessively weak and dumb jokes.  *Sigh*


Unknown said...

You speak heresy. Buffy knows all and says all. It is just that we weaker mortals cannot comprehend her profound statements.

“You're a vampire. Oh, I'm sorry. Was that an offensive term? Should I say undead American?"

DLM said...

See but that is my issue. There's no expository evidence she ever studies, so the intellectualism reads "borrowed" sometimes - I mean, Dadaist references? BUT I'd be willing to go with that, it's good stuff. The issue I have is when she's suddenly so ignorant she doesn't know the word RENAISSANCE for pete's sake - and just for the sake of a pretty poor joke (especially by comparison to the Dadaist one, which was worth suspending belief to go with it!).