Saturday, September 18, 2010

Real Beauty

On my street, there's a trim, neat, pretty house with a family of three generations.

Grandma has let the kids "paint" the bricks on the front stoop with colored chalk. It's under the little roof over the stoop, so it doesn't wash away.

Probably the best decoration in the whole neighborhood.

And it never goes away with the seasons.


When we were kids, my brother was allowed to dig holes and create forts and earthworks. We had a worn spot next to the garden, where the basketball hoop was. We had a handled hook we used to sling our little bodies down the steel cable mom used for a clothes line; they call this ziplining now, charge lots for it at beautiful resort locations.

Our yard was a yard for play, for me and my brother - and our friends. Mom said she would have a pretty yard when we got older.

She does, now.

And we had fun.

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