Monday, February 18, 2013

Almost A Year

Last year, I was hit from behind on my way into work on a Friday morning, and got a sprained neck, a migraine, and what appears to be a fairly permanent weakening and en-sore-en-ing of my back for my troubles.  The other driver paid her fine out of court, and I settled with her insurance for $1000.  Considering the issues I've had ever since, and expect could last me a lifetime, I let 'em off easy, but the fact is I wanted the hassle over with, and don't really regret not being more punitive at that time all that much.

Even so, this weekend I did myself a number, indulging in that favorite pastime I learned from mom when I was a kid - moving the furniture around for the season.  "It's cheaper than redecorating," she always used to say.  And, even more practically, it also provides different climate control benefits for different times of the year.  In winter, the furniture moves closer in, circling around the center of the room, making the most of sunlight encroaching farther into the living room, and giving a sense of coziness.  In spring and summer, I pull things back and take advantage of this space, opening up the couch and chairs, and eventually making the most of cross-ventilation.

The thing is:  my coffee table is made of stone!

The demands we put on our backs just in every day work can be quite enough, but dragging a big sofa around, shoving a big coffee table--and just bending and shoving and reconnecting everything, plugging in the lamps, all that stuff, tell on me as I get older.  And there's nobody but me to do it.  So when that need for change comes upon me, it's not like I have kids or a spouse to help out.  And the kit and pup, marvelous creatures as they are (and Penelope's so strong!) are poorly equipped with thumbs, bless 'em.

Thank goodness I bought a heating pad after that accident.

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