Sunday, October 3, 2010

Another Part of My Spirit

The day began bright and beautiful, a phrase chosen very much with a winking smile and a finger tapping the side of the bridge of my nose. Today was the blessing of the animals at church.

I've never gone to one of these, but always found it a charming idea. I realize, too, there is more than one way to skin a cat (har) spiritually - and this does have an importance to it. The service was held outside, and the thing I noticed was that the presence of our animals provided ways and reasons for our fellowship to speak with one *another* in ways which ordinarily we do not. Even as welcoming and loving as this congregation has always been to me, today had something special about it.

I love my dear dog, and consider her a blessing. But in blessing her, once again, I was the receiver.

I had the priest speak to her, not as Sidney, but as Lolly. The name I use with her the most. The softer one. The one which came as a song, the one which rose like mist from HER - not the name once given to her by people who gave her up. My sweet little La.

And, bless her all over again, she was such a good - and HAPPY - girl.


Dad loved her. She is a great sitting-at-your-feet-and-sighing-quietly dog, and she is also an archetypally DOG-gy dog. She's not too small, but she's terribly cute. She's not too barky, but when she does speak she has the power of an animal. She's playful, but content. She's aristocratic looking, but a perfect mutt. Mixed and made, she's absolutely excellent.


So today I blessed my dog, and found (I hope) rest for my father.

A good day.

I'm going to finish cleaning. Then, I think, oatmeal with cinnamon for dinner. Just the nice, warm thing to enjoy.

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