Friday, May 27, 2016

Scent of Bread and Onions

... today's headline comes from the moment I stepped through the door from my side of the office building, and emerged into our atrium, where the fragrances of lunch open your nose.

The phrase kind of takes you places, doesn't it? I like the shape and feel of it. It might need a The. It might not. I can imagine places it might take us.

Wouldn't it make a great title?

Wouldn't it make ... a great prompt for flash fiction?

I'd love it if you agreed - and decided to take us places, in the comments.


Lilac Shoshani said...

The way you use words invokes the senses, and I love it. Scent of Bread and Onions sounds to me like the title of a French movie. I get a WWII vibe.

Me said...

I'm with Lilac on this! It feels homely and familiar and comforting :)

DLM said...

There's a specificity to bread and onions, but a lot of generalities could use it: this is not the food of Royalty or the wealthy. It could be any ordinary house from the early modern period on.

Donnaeve said...

It reminds me of the movie, In The Land Of Milk And Honey. (I didn't watch it, but want to)

DLM said...

I haven't seen it either. Some phrases or titles all on their own are verses.