Tuesday, October 15, 2013

When Men Were Men and Women Were the Artists?

Did you ever get that mini psych test, where the question is posed about a kid being in a hospital and seeing a doctor, who is his parent, but the doctor is not his father - so WHO COULD IT BE?  I know when I was a kid, the conclusion that the doc could be a child's mother was a lot harder to come to than I really hope it is now ... and yet, assumptions still have (dare I say it) an indelible place.

Such as the assumption that the unidentified denizens of the past who created ancient art must have been men.  Not so, says NatGeo, as they take another look at cave paintings from across a wide swath of the globe.

There has been a male bias in the literature for a long time.  People have made a lot of unwarranted assumptions about who made these things, and why.
--Dean Snow 

Image:  National Geographic
For more, go here

It's stimulating when we find useful ways to question ourselves.  Even the possibility (even the likelihood) that we may come up with the wrong answers doesn't devalue the importance of ASKING ... and of reviewing even the most "obvious" of our assumptions ...

As a side note, just within the past two weeks I was reading about finger length ratio, having jumped off of the article about the vena amoris, and I am an example of the unusual feminine trait: my ring fingers are notably longer than my forefingers.  Apparently, I'm quite the manly woman.  Erm.

(Bonus question:  is Dr. Manning's name ironic ... ?)


Anonymous said...

Your atypical index:ring ratio may be genetic.

DLM said...

It isn't a tiny little rack-like device with which I stretched the little buggers out, that's for sure. :)