Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Love Never Dies

I stole my headline (minus the "true" - I'm making an Apoptygma Berzerk reference) from HFO, where I found this link, but honestly, this seems less romantic to me than just sort of fascinating.  I am intrigued by the story, and the unknowable - but not actually goopy about how nifty it is to die with a lover.  I just want to be holding hands when I'm an old lady.  My corpse I'll probably have 'em burn or something.  (As mom says, after all - I'm single and childless, and there's nobody who'll ever want to come to see me after I'm dead.  Thanks again, mom.  Heh.)


Anonymous said...

According to forensic anthropologists, it takes several weeks for dead lovers to become "goopy."

Mo said...

Holy FCK. I just listened to that Berzerk song (as much as I could stand), which blasphemes with way-too-tinny Bach and then descends into utter crap. Why? Why?

I would thank you not to link to such craven doings in the future without fair warning. And by fair, I mean something along the lines of "Your ears, nay, your very cranial sanctity, may be sorely affected by this link."

DLM said...

Mo, I'm too busy laughing at comment #1 to fret about comment #2. Anyway, what were you expecting from a recording artist called Apoptygma Berzerk? That WAS your warning! Heh. (Didn't yo'mama teach you not to click on every link ... ?)

Oh wait. She's an inveterate clicker herself. Never mind.