... and then the people I work with turn into absolute darlings, and I turn into goop.
Yesterday a young "ambassador" came by my desk with a gift and a note from the uber-boss, and I was tickled (after being slightly confused - I had to go to Wikipedia to even confirm my question, "Oh, wait - is it AP's day?"), and laughed at myself.
This morning, by lunch, there was an invitation, when I came back there were two eBay gift certs (hee/yay!), My New Best Friend B had brought me Montana Gold bread (YUM), and at last the AVP came by with a bouquet of marvelously bright flowers (below please see the one not in a neon nor rich shade, heh).
Today was historical for my employer, and reminded me once again how much more deeply I appreciate the job I do now than, in some ways, I have ever enjoyed any one I have ever held. I've been happy in many - I'm a fortunate cuss. I've been lucky in almost all, even the ones that seemed bad at the time, for the skills they gave me, the patience they taught me, the ambition they fed, and the people in them. But the depth of what I contribute to now is on another order than anything I've ever been part of in my career.
I've always liked the people around me; even at my last job, which in its substance never suited me at all well, I got so much from the great diversity and kindness of my coworkers. Over the past decade and a half, respect has become the most enjoyable commodity of my maturing professional life - and I've always been fortunate to like people in my jobs. These days, it's remarkable how fortunate I am in that aspect. I like my team, and they really seem to like me - and I mean beyond those in my direct department, but those I depend on every day ... and those who, at last, are coming to be able to depend on ME - which feels so good.
Today was nice not only for the recognition and thanks, but for the way it got me thinking - again - about how fortunate and content I am these days. My job is no mean blessing, and I'm intensely grateful to have fooled my way into it.
And lunch was delicious.
And the bread is too.
And how cool and thoughtful were my gifts? They know I'm an eBay girl, three of them went in and got me two presents there. B got me a loaf of bread - seriously - is that the most personal, unique, and lovely thought?? She's unique and lovely herself, so it fits. The flowers are VIVID, rather me; and I even like the size and shape of the vase, which isn't the Same Old Vase most seem to come in, and which is a size I can use too. Heh.
Simply delightful, and all my work friends are rather charming.
I spent a good part of the morning working on stuffing bags with gifts for my team, in a certain piece of pleasant, almost-ironic reciprocation. It's been a stressful week, and jobs like this are sometimes welcome. I know many would find repetitive work menial, tedious, unwelcome. But count this as reason #784 I am glad to be a secretary for a living.
Important employees have to go to meetings and sit on calls every day. I do some of those - and let it never be said what I do doesn't keep the whole machine in moving parts! I butter my bread making myself important, indispensible. But sometimes I get to make tedium a priority, and there's a Zen in that. I'm not moving a technological ball forward; I'm not providing urgent support or service. I'm just making possible a bit of team-building rah-rah. Such a small thing.
But from today's wonderful generosity: I can promise, it's important. Might not seem as *urgent* as those calls, or the next meeting. But it is important.
And it means, too, I'm not bum-glued-in-my-chair. Also a good thing.
Next job: thank you notes.
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