Thursday, June 10, 2010


Today I took a good deal more time than usual on the job slog - unfortunately not because there were so many great things to apply for, but in this case because I wanted to check in on all my existing accounts with potential employers. I made a couple of updates, and created new and improved cover letters and such at various profiles. Everything is shipshape.

Closing in on two and a half months unemployed, and I am frustrated and healthily fearful. It's not distracting me to the point of tears, but one must have some respect for the state of not making a living, after all. Severance is a many splendored thing, but I wasn't endowed with tons and tons of it, and what-comes-next makes it imperative not to just use it all up. And so: I am in a state of heightened alert.

There are two irons in the fire, in particular, I'd like to see heat up. I re-read my cover letters for each one today, and am satisfied they're strong. With the recent holiday, I know the period of time for reviewing candidates might be a little longer. For one position, I applied on May 26. For the other, June 1. It's not time to write off my hopes at this point. But it is time to hope to HEAR from these prospects. Much longer, and the only thing one is likely to hear is "thank you, but" ...

I'm charging my cell phone. I'm working, I really am.

I just do wish I could get paid for the effort.


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