Friday, May 27, 2011

Clovis Brownie Points and A Heckuva Game of Croquet

My incidental reading today appears to be archaeology themed - and I like it. Long before I ever knew a jenya-wine archaeologist personally (or, at least, before he *became* one professionally), my folks brought us up PBS archeaology shows and National Geographic, right along with Scientific American (so cool) and all the REST of the PBS we slurped up, nerds that my family so blessedly, wonderfully are. I still remember an article in NG, showing the bone of an ancient man, and explaining how it taught us how he had lived, how old he was when he died, how tall he stood, and what diseases he might have had.

Now we have "millet wasn't typical of the local diet, so we got an invader here, son" - which I just think is so incredibly cool. Little creepy - I can admit to slight neuroses going a little beyond the old-fashioned injunction to wear clean underwear in case of an accident (and don't eat anything you'd be ashamed of having found in your gullet after you're DEAD!) - but overall, just kind of cool.

Was this bashed-in collection of skulls an indiction of an ancient battle? Well, we have the non-indigenous diet indicators, no signs of healing on some pretty impressive wounds, and no signs of ritualized burial.

I'm going to say, "Battle, Alex; for two-thousand."

Oh. And I'm also going to say: Clovis points ARE cool. But ... I'll give it to the crescents, yeah.


Mojourner said...

Wait a minute,...We were raised as NERDS?

I thought it was Baptist. triumphs again.

Mojourner said...

Oh, and am so glad to see Happy Diane profile pic back again.