Saturday, March 19, 2011

Honey Therapy

I have heard for years that consumption of locally-made honey can be very good for allergy symptoms. I never had allergy problems when I was a kid - but when I moved away for some years, going to college in the midwest, and marrying a man there, I learned that coming home could trigger the problems. That was more than fifteen years ago, but to this day allergy season (which is to say - all seasons) is hard on me. Even so, I've somehow never gotten around to the honey idea.

Yesterday, my New Best Friend at work squired me out on a field trip to find local honey. She's new in from California, and clearly more proactive about her allergies than I have been. We went to Lavendar Fields to partake of the honey - and other goodies, too.

I hadn't counted on the scent memory; but it gave me a wonderful feeling. Opening the door to the shop at the farm, the beautiful and overwhelming scent of lavendar envelops you. I haven't smelled anything like it since visiting my brother's family; simply beautiful.

It's nice to know such beautiful lavendar is available here - and the local honey.

It's also nice to link up with this sense-memory, and smile that I have bought my ticket to go see my family again.

(The third niceness? I haven't sneezed one single time today - and I feel, nasally, perfectly fine. Huh ...)

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